Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Catching up
The problem with having a large storage card on our camera is that I don't transfer the pictures off as often as I should. So today, I'm playing catch-up with this post that will include random pictures (mostly of Ella) from March through present. I've set-up a flickr photo site, but there are too many pictures to caption them this time, so here is a chronological (sort of) listing of some of the highlights you will see: Nana's visit including when Ella received "Baby"; various shots of my Sous Chef helping me cook; young Picasso at work; Ella finding Mama's new lipstick; visit to the Lincoln Park zoo; Margate Park Easter egg hunt-easter bunny-dying easter eggs--Easter Sunday; Ella and Braden; visit to Nana and Grandpa's in May including Bumper, July the Cat, and Treasure the turtle--Ella's cousins Mikayla and Hannah and Aunt Tammy, Touching the highly toxic California Poppies--oops!, and the trip to the County Fair where Ella had her first pony ride and saw pig races; visit to St. Louis for cousin Matthew's HS graduation including shots with cousins Lexi and Gracie, Aunt Marion, Uncle Monte, etc; a visit from second cousin Nathan in Chicago; Ella's first trip to the beach where she of course hated the sand sticking to her (she hates to be messy) but loved the water!; Many shots of eating food; Trip to the Museum of Science & Industry; and finally Ella in our courtyard playing by the fountain (taken tonight!)
To view photos click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chicagochronicles/
We are trying to beat this horrible heat wave, and hope it subsides before Nana and Pa's visit later this week. Have a great day everyone and feel free to leave comments on our posts!
To view photos click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chicagochronicles/
We are trying to beat this horrible heat wave, and hope it subsides before Nana and Pa's visit later this week. Have a great day everyone and feel free to leave comments on our posts!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Many of you know Bumper as "Bumpah", from when Ella was first learning to say his name--and would say nothing else, but Bumpah, Bumpah, over and over again for our entire visit to my parent's at Christmas and a long time thereafter. Since then, she has obviously learned how to say Bumper correctly, and seen him several more times. About two weeks ago I told Ella that Bumper was sick, and she was so concerned, that she immediately wanted his picture on the refrigerator--her favorite place to look at those she loves! Unfortunately, today I had the sad job of trying to explain to her that Bumper died. After a sudden onset of cancerous tumors, Bumper died last night. He is now buried next to our Mavvy dog, who died a few years back as well. I cannot recall my childhood without thinking about my beloved pets, something David does not share since he didn't have pets growing up. I am thankful that Ella got to know "Bumper", and know that our next visit to Nana and Pa's house will just not be the same without him there. He was a beautiful golden retriever/black labrador mix, and the most gentle sweet natured dog I've ever known. He was a comfort pet to my two nieces during their parents divorce, as they were living with my parents when they got Bumper as a puppy--and they have known him literally their whole lives. I think besides my parents, Mikayla and Hannah will miss him the most. I will include several pictures of Bumper I've been able to find--and may add more later. We'll miss you Bump.
Monday, July 10, 2006
The Waiting Game
Have you ever been to a medical appointment and not had to wait? Today, we took Ella to Children's Memorial to see a pediatric specialist in orthopedics...(not to worry--she's just fine!)...our appointment was at 11 a.m. and we finally saw a resident about 12 p.m. and then the actual Doc came in at 12:30 p.m. David said he was sure if he was 1 1/2 hours late to an appointment, he would be fired. I guess since we're all so dependent on healthcare, and really have no choice but to wait, it gives them freedom to lack punctuality. But if you're an architect, attorney, hairdresser or any other profession--you'd better be on time or your clients will go elsewhere. Oh, and for you fellow musicians--show up late only once. Like the principal horn player who climbed under the stage to get access to the pit after missing the entire overture to The Marriage of Figaro. If you're not familiar with this, listen to it and imagine the overture with no principal horn! And no, the Italians in the rest of the horn section did not step in and play her part, but sat their smiling. Life is great--and don't forget to hurry up and wait the next time you go to the Doc. P.S. To all of our friends in the medical profession now, or in medical school--try to be on time for your patients!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Au Revoir Marshall Field's

I guess it's fitting that the first post is about a great Chicago institution, Marshall Field's. (This photo was taken in front of Field's at Christmas time). Sadly, Federated Dept stores purchased Field's not too long ago, and have been gearing our city up for the big change to Macy's. This change is very unpopular among most Chicagoans, and definitely with us! Sadly, last night I typed in www.marshallfields.com and was quickly re-directed to macys.com for the first time. I kept trying several times to see if I could just get back to the field's site one more time. I had seen a baby blanket--Marshall Field's brand--which is now a collector's item--that I wanted to purchase for my friend Carmen Bell's new baby. I guess she'll have to settle for a Macy's gift......