Monday, July 10, 2006

The Waiting Game

Have you ever been to a medical appointment and not had to wait? Today, we took Ella to Children's Memorial to see a pediatric specialist in orthopedics...(not to worry--she's just fine!)...our appointment was at 11 a.m. and we finally saw a resident about 12 p.m. and then the actual Doc came in at 12:30 p.m. David said he was sure if he was 1 1/2 hours late to an appointment, he would be fired. I guess since we're all so dependent on healthcare, and really have no choice but to wait, it gives them freedom to lack punctuality. But if you're an architect, attorney, hairdresser or any other profession--you'd better be on time or your clients will go elsewhere. Oh, and for you fellow musicians--show up late only once. Like the principal horn player who climbed under the stage to get access to the pit after missing the entire overture to The Marriage of Figaro. If you're not familiar with this, listen to it and imagine the overture with no principal horn! And no, the Italians in the rest of the horn section did not step in and play her part, but sat their smiling. Life is great--and don't forget to hurry up and wait the next time you go to the Doc. P.S. To all of our friends in the medical profession now, or in medical school--try to be on time for your patients!


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