Au Revoir Marshall Field's

I guess it's fitting that the first post is about a great Chicago institution, Marshall Field's. (This photo was taken in front of Field's at Christmas time). Sadly, Federated Dept stores purchased Field's not too long ago, and have been gearing our city up for the big change to Macy's. This change is very unpopular among most Chicagoans, and definitely with us! Sadly, last night I typed in and was quickly re-directed to for the first time. I kept trying several times to see if I could just get back to the field's site one more time. I had seen a baby blanket--Marshall Field's brand--which is now a collector's item--that I wanted to purchase for my friend Carmen Bell's new baby. I guess she'll have to settle for a Macy's gift......
Welcome to the blogging world! It's great to have your blog as a another connection to Chicago - it really is the best place I've ever lived, and I will never stop hoping to come back.
Love to you all!
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