
Many of you know Bumper as "Bumpah", from when Ella was first learning to say his name--and would say nothing else, but Bumpah, Bumpah, over and over again for our entire visit to my parent's at Christmas and a long time thereafter. Since then, she has obviously learned how to say Bumper correctly, and seen him several more times. About two weeks ago I told Ella that Bumper was sick, and she was so concerned, that she immediately wanted his picture on the refrigerator--her favorite place to look at those she loves! Unfortunately, today I had the sad job of trying to explain to her that Bumper died. After a sudden onset of cancerous tumors, Bumper died last night. He is now buried next to our Mavvy dog, who died a few years back as well. I cannot recall my childhood without thinking about my beloved pets, something David does not share since he didn't have pets growing up. I am thankful that Ella got to know "Bumper", and know that our next visit to Nana and Pa's house will just not be the same without him there. He was a beautiful golden retriever/black labrador mix, and the most gentle sweet natured dog I've ever known. He was a comfort pet to my two nieces during their parents divorce, as they were living with my parents when they got Bumper as a puppy--and they have known him literally their whole lives. I think besides my parents, Mikayla and Hannah will miss him the most. I will include several pictures of Bumper I've been able to find--and may add more later. We'll miss you Bump.
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sup
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