Nicholas is being increasingly more subjected to playing with Ella's dolls. This weekend we were using his carseat carrier (we had borrowed a friend's car) and she thought he needed "regular baby" to hold since he was of course upset and screaming for most of the car ride.
These are his 8 week pictures that I never posted two weeks ago. So the one with the baby is more recent (taken Sunday). His hair is really growing and is very light blonde just like Ella's was. He also started "talking" about a week ago and converses quite well with us. It's very sweet, just like his whole personality. He particularly seems to like it when I sing his theme song to him: "Let's hear it for the boy!" Also, he was 11 1/2 pounds and 23 inches at his two month check up where he received 5 shots (4 sticks in the leg and 1 oral dose). This is worse than when Ella got them. They no longer use the combo vaccine so that means one more stick in the leg, and then the oral vaccine is so new they didn't even have it when Ella was his age. He survived with a very slight fever and fussiness--pretty much how Ella has always reacted.
An update with the bear and book to show his growth.
He loves for Ella to hold him. If you think about it he spends just as much time with her as he does with me. He will contentedly lie in her lap and even suck on her arm like he does to me sometimes. The bad news is that he's beginning to be upset when she cries, screams and throws fits. The even worse news is that she's doing all of the above even more frequently these days. She's very upset about our whole pending move. As we prepared the house for a showing and then an open house over the weekend, she would act out even more, and of course they always seem to happen right during naptime. Yes, we could ask them not to do things at that time of day, but we really need to sell and want no limits on people seeing this place. Notice the new quote in the sidebar about crying happened late Sunday afternoon after this weekend flurry of house selling activities came to an end. I must admit, even for me and David this is stressful--and we're not 3 years old! It's no fun living in a hotel room or corporate apartment as I call it now. Though most hotel rooms and corporate apartments at least have some artwork hanging on the walls! We're not enjoying the echo and hope this process does not drag out too long for our family's well being.
We were able to attend the last French wiggleworms before Madame Rose takes the rest of the summer off. We hadn't been in two months. It was so fun for Ella to be back and see Madame Rose, all of her friends, sing her French songs and for everyone to meet Nicholas. We have gone to this class since she was 11 months old! Fun Fun!
Lastly, the seasonal allergies have hit Ella hard. Nicholas has just got his first cold :-( and David had a high fever with sweats and chills all weekend. Hopefully we'll get this all under control before next week when we board the Amtrak for St. Louis!
Labels: David, Ella, Nicholas, regular, sale