Wednesday, July 30, 2008

clean-up, clean-up

everybody everywhere, clean-up, clean-up, everybody do your share. You know that lovely song we all sing to get our kids to clean up their toys. Well this has always been an issue with Ella. She won't clean-up! We used to have the rule as clean-up before bed which was always a disaster since she didn't want to go to bed anyhow. Then a while back I had an idea and changed it to clean-up before dinner. She DOES want to eat! This has worked much better, but is still always a very unpleasant time of day. Then David had a brilliant idea. The trash bag.

You might be wondering any number of things right now. So let me set your mind at ease. If Ella doesn't clean-up by the deadline we set, then any toys left out get put into one of our white trashcan liner bags and she doesn't get them back for 24 hours! Let me tell you. There is trouble in River City when this happens. (If you don't get that, then you are WAY too young to be reading my blog!) just kidding.....

Ella gets hysterical when we mention the trashbag and completely flips when we get it out and really goes over the top when we start to put things in it. Whew! What a great idea. Let's hear it for Papa and his clean-up trick! He and I both laugh (trying to hide it of course) when this all happens because we think it's so great and just can't believe it actually works.

I know I promised STL info and pics but it is way too hot in here to do that now. Let's hear it for A/C in the whole house at once someday!!

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Blogger Ang said...

WOW you all are much nicer then we were. We did the same thing only the toys went in the REAL trash can and are gone forever. Now, we were not too horrible and I started with things like McDonalds toys, but they got the point. Now we just have to mention the trash can and off they go!

9:33 AM  

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