Friday, March 30, 2007

At the park

Well I finally remembered how to get the movie to appear as a movie, but I still can't get it sized right. Just click on it and I promise it will play in the right size.

fyi--Ella LOVES reading comments people leave for her here on the blog....

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy Spring!

So yes I have another excuse for not posting......and no it's not because we're outdoors playing in spring weather, though it is 40 degrees right now. We've all been sick! First Ella, then me, then David. Isn't it great how viruses spread no matter how careful you are? Ella was actually the worst ever in her life so far. First she developed the Croup--which I thought was some ancient illness nobody got anymore. Ignorance. Anyhow, that was quite scary with her breathing so difficult at times, and then the decision to give her the medication ( a steroid)--followed by the attempt to give her the medication--which resulted in alot of vomit clean-up and late night trips to the laundry room for David. You've GOT to love a sick 2-year old. Then she just didn't seem to be improving much so we returned to the Dr. where they discovered both of her ears were fluid filled and infected. So a short-course of strong antibiotics (remember the medicine taking problem) has her well on her way to recovery. I'm feeling much better, and David is right in the midst of it. Health is on its way though, I can tell. But then again, we will be on the 81 tomorrow headed to french class as Ella calls it, so who knows what we might contract next!

Other than that, all is well and yesterday we enjoyed a great day of 60 degree weather with a visit to the playground. Ella has a new pair of shoes and refuses to take them off. I saw my chiropractor last week and am feeling much better after a few days of intense soreness. David is busy at work while feeling terrible. But, hey-spring is in the air!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hello again

1: I'm a star! 2: Bundled up like a baby 3: See all of our snow!

1: Playing in the sand box 2: Hannah & Ella after Aladdin

1: "Have toys, will travel" 2: Ella & Pa

1: sliding with Nana 2: Mikayla's Kung Fu

1: Ella feeding July 2: Mikayla, Ella & Hannah in their "tent"

If you're wondering, we're still here and alive and fine. Ella and I took a trip to California for a week and since we've been back I haven't had much time (keep reading) or really felt like blogging. I Maybe it's the never-ending winter, or just laziness--I don't know. I just now finally transferred the pictures from my camera since we returned. Of course California was warm, sunny and filled with days of playing with cousins and being outside. We were able to see my niece Hannah's play Aladdin, and also see my niece Mikayla test for her third yellow stripe in Kung Fu. I was also able to help my Mom unpack my Great-Grandmother's china that she received after my Granny died. It was all quite exciting and Ella still talks about it. Of course one of my favorite moments was after Aladdin when she told "Jasmine" she was wearing Jasmine big girl panties! And then there is the new word for one of her favorite toys at Nana & Pa's house: "Casher Dasher" i.e. Cash Register. I love it! She fed the birds, pet July alot and just enjoyed not being homebound. The travel itself was hard and stressful on both of us due to alot of weather and mechanical delays, missed connections and 12 hour travel days--not to mention 8 days without David. But overall the trip was alot of fun.

So why have I been so busy you ask? My time has been greatly filled with coordinating our church spring break campaigns from Rochester College and Abilene Christian University. Much, much more than I thought it would be. The Hudson's, who are in the middle of moving, used to be in charge of this. I agreed to comandeer the schedule. And then Kelli, who was to be taking the Hudson's place as being in charge of the whole campaign, just started a new job and had to leave the country for training the two weeks immediately proceeding the campaigns. End result, alot of work for me. And in case any of you I just mentioned are reading this ( I know you are)--I'm not bitter, just exhausted! It's been an enjoyable but stressful experience, and not one I wish to repeat (hint!) But we're now in the middle of the Rochester campaign, and ACU is next week so hopefully in about 10 days my life will be normal again.

Ella is growing so fast that most of her wardrobe now looks like cropped pants and 3/4 length shirts. I'm waiting for the Lord & Taylor closing here in Chicago to drop to the last possible % off and then I'll buy her some clothes--last check was 60%.

Our condo is getting so close to market ready that it's exciting, and scary to think about how long it might take to sell it. Our last chore is a little painting in the kitchen, and to clear out our bedroom which now contains our queen size bed, Ella's crib, three dressers and a desk. As you can see alot of these things have to stay so wish us luck!!

Finally, if you haven't heard we are the proud owners of a new dining table and chairs--our first EVER furniture purchase. It's a beautiful solid walnut simple rectangle extension table (huge) and black leather chairs. Why don't you come on over and see them?