Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hot town Summer in the city

This song is all I could sing after driving down a certain street in my Uptown neighborhood, on the way home from rehearsal tonight. Gang bangers were swarming everywhere. Seriously. This has got to stop.

But I do appreciate the great song by lovin' spoonful being stuck in my head. What happened to bands like this?


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Here's your chance to tell me what you think of me

I am so excited that I was recently selected to do a little writing for CP magazine, my favorite parenting magazine in Chicago. I now have to come up with my official writer's "bio" for print. It's brief--I only get one sentence.
So help me out, please!
Describe me and/or my parenting style in three words or less.
Maybe your words will end up in print, or not.
Thanks everyone!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Devils or Angels?

The 52nd annual Chicago Air and Water Show just took place this weekend. For us Chicagoans, that means 4 days of feeling like we live in a war zone--or at least on a military base. (Two days of practice, two days of the show). And no, we did NOT go to the show. We only heard/saw from our house, the car, or a few times we got caught outside.

Poor Nicholas wants to love the Blue Angels so badly. He thinks w
atching them is amazing--through soundproof glass. He is terrified of their noise though. And I don't mean sticking his fingers in his ears for a moment. I mean he holds his hands over his ears, screams "hold me safe", suctions to me or David like a spider monkey, won't go outside, has night terrors where he does the same, and now thinks every plane going to O'Hare is a Blue Angel.

This is a problem.

We live in the flight path to O'Hare, and planes fly over us about every 3-4 minutes. It is so bad that after searching online and still being dumbfounded, I called the pediatrician. The boy has been traumatized--and I don't use that word lightly.

I usually only seek medical advice from the peds, but I need help--and hearing is medical, right? Help!

They are definitely devils, not angels.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A first for us

So after all these years in Chicago, we have just become members of one of the "Museums" for the first time ever. Most of you know, I am a big fan of utilizing free things in the city, especially the Museum passes we can check out at the library.

However, the Shedd Aquarium, has limited their participation so much, that you can only have access to a small portion of the place when using the museum pass. So when my parents visited a few weeks ago, it was literally almost the same cost to buy a family membership as it would have been to purchase tickets for all of us. So we broke down and joined. Mom and Dad even gave it to us as a gift, and we will be using it alot-thanks Mom and Dad! Both Gabriella and Nicholas love the aquarium. And I must admit over the past few years, they have made some great improvements, and the new show Fantasea is spectacular! I describe it as Cirque du Soleil with animals.

This winter, it will undoubtedly be a favorite destination for us. And since we can admit 2 adults and up to 4 kids, we can take friends. Let us know when you want to go...

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