since Christmas....
we've been fairly busy. We enjoyed "spring" in early January, forgetting the reality of Chicago winter for a few days (for example it's -3 right now). Ella began her Twinkle Stars gymnastics class and loves to do her front rolls, hang/swing like a monkey on the bars and say "Tada". She's been helping me bake alot, painting alot, and whining and acting like a baby alot. We think she's experiencing the ''big sister" syndrome's lovely.
Cousin Josh stayed with us for a few days while he did some job-shadowing here in the city that David set-up for him. We took him out for Thai food one night and he rode the train and the bus by himself just fine! See Aunt Sue, you can do it too! Come visit us! We won't even make you take the train or bus by yourself!
Also, we finally found Gabriella's electronic 18 week ultrasound picture (the hard copies are packed away in storage) to compare with this baby. Look at how strikingly similar their profiles are!

"Our baby" (As Ella so sweetly calls it):
photo coming soon--can't get it to work right now......
We also just saw our friends the Hanson's this past weekend and had a great time. David said he will blog about it (let's not all hold our breath now, but we'll see)...