The rest of our long weekend was spent preparing for our first visit from the Realtor who is staging our condo for the LONG awaited and MUCH needed sale. I take the credit for taking the plunge and calling her to get this thing rolling, but David takes the credit for really helping out and getting our place ready for her visit. It ended with us both working until about 2 a.m. the night before she arrived. End result is that my fear of her telling us we need to move out in order to sell did NOT come true. In fact, it was quite positive and we don't have much to do at all before we list it. This is a process we dread, but can no longer put off due to rapidly diminishing living space in our one bedroom! We'll keep you posted on the process and be sure to spread the word to anyone you might know who is looking to buy a great condo in Chicago.
Ella got her first real injury of life. She fell during the "race" time at Gymnastics on Tuesday and got a nice zinger on her eye/face. They race down the runway that's basically a spring board underneath (not sure what it's called). I tried to take a picture of it, but the camera actually made it look better than it looks in real life.
Nicholas is already being subjected to what much of his future holds with a big sister as his playmate. He attended his first tea party yesterday.
Finally, we were able to select and order photos tonight from our portrait session two weeks ago and are exhausted after the entire process (Jeff-we miss you!). So hopefully the birth announcement will go out SOON, as well as thank you notes which I'm terribly behind in writing. So to all of you who have sent us gifts please know we are SO thankful, love everything and have not forgotten you!!
Heather -
I saw your comment on Angie's blog and I do click over and check on yours. I am friends with Jeff and Marion and Angie and Jon. I serve on the Ne-O-Tez board with Jeff and Marion and I are old camp friends also. Knew Jon as a little guy and used to babysit Angie (Maryland Heights congregation). It is fun keeping up with their extended family. Your nephews Blake and Matt are special guys and I adore Lexi and Gracie! One more connection. . way back my father, Marlin served on the camp board with Bill, David's dad. I lived in Chicago for a couple years so it is fun to see your Chicago info also. Nancy Henley
Love the dimple!
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