So David has been recovering very well. (I assume everyone knows what I'm talking about--if not leave me a comment and I will update you). Ella has still been quite concerned about him and all of this. She doesn't like him lying around all the time (neither do I! :-)), and wanted to see his bandage where they did the "test". She thought it would definitely help him feel better to have a Dora bandage--like she gets sometimes. Unfortunately, David's no fun and wouldn't let me take or post a picture of this due to the location being in the "groin area". But here's a more boring picture of Ella trying to snuggle with Papa as best as she can. Please keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers. June 19th will be the appointment with Dr. Denes, unless they have a cancellation to get him in sooner. Here are also some fun pics at the playground during the few days before David's EP study and some other cute photos taken in our courtyard.

We were blessed with a brief visit from my Aunt Faith and cousin Raney, whom you've all read about here often. They came to Chicago for just one day/night for the National Lung Cancer Partnership meeting. They learned alot of good information, and Raney was able to meet another patient who has survived 5 years with Stage 4 lung cancer! We had a great dinner at Rosebud, see the picture below of Faith and Raney with Ella.
Ella LOVES the beach this year! Last year she hated it. I look forward to posting many more beach pictures and sad to think of moving from our condo where the beach and the playground are both a five minute walk across the street!

My oldest niece Mikayla just graduated from Junior High School at Excelsior Learning Center, where she received an award for academic excellence! I can't tell you how old it makes me feel to think she will start High School in the fall. Note on her diploma "Mikayla Heather"--after me :-). I remember holding her in the hospital when she was born. I feel old and realize how fast time flies and quickly children grow up!
Ella finally has her "new rail" or her crib has finally been converted to a Toddler Bed. Yes, yes, we could have done this a LONG time ago, but since we share sleeping quarters, thought it best to keep her confined as long as we could. However, with my neck etc. and her growth I was just tired of lifting her in and out! So we had to go ahead and break down and get the white rail since the pecan to match hasn't been available since before I checked about a year ago and I was unable to find one on Craigs List, ebay, etc. Oh well! Ella loves her "new rail" and has done a great job of only getting out when allowed....for the most part.
I think that's about all we've done for awhile now. Sorry for the lag in posts. I'll keep updating on any new news on David here too. Labels: David, Ella, Faith, Mikayla, Raney
Tell David that he is in our prayers! Blessing from St. Louis.
Great pictures! I love the beach ones. I hope that my girls enjoy the beach, if not it will be a long week for us.
I am so happy Ella has finally "graduated" to a big girl. Yea!
Love ya.
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