Raney's latest and "Relay for Life"

It is long overdue that I blog about Raney's health. She just saw her Dr. today with the results of her latest scan. Results: Her bones are completely healed and her abdomen too! The main tumor in her lungs has shrunk to about 2 or 3 cm (some of this could even be scar tissue)! The smaller tumors in her lungs are gone! This is the great news we've been continually praying for her to receive. It's probable that she will get to stop her chemo after one more treatment and just continue with the Avastin. Her blood platelets are running low, so they will do the final chemo later this week. She is definitely looking forward to not having to deal with all the chemo side effects in the near future.
Raney of course continues to be an amazingly positive person in dealing with all of this. She has put together a team for the American Cancer Society's "Relay for Life" and raised over $1,400. Here is the web-page for herself, and then you can link to her whole team's web page from there too: Raney's page. She is also very active in researching the latest news, treatments, etc. for lung cancer and hopes to attend the Lung Cancer Society's annual meeting here in Chicago in June. We would love that!
A few weeks ago she was able to get away to California and Utah for a vacation with her family. Here is a picture she sent of them at Disneyland. Thanks for all of the continued prayers and support for Raney, Chris, Jaren and Conor.
I'm so glad to hear good news! I know that we don't personally know Raney, but we know you and David and Ella, and only want the best for the ones you love!
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