3 things:
Faith, Hope and Love.
O.k. so that's not really what this post is about. But I have a song about three things: faith, hope and love stuck in my head right now.
1. Our new computer is here and being well-used.
2. My camera is now broken, so still no more pictures yet. After much googling and failed repair attempts I will be buying a new one this weekend. It's amazing how technology can have such a short life span (i.e. three years this time).
3. Mr. Nicholas is proving all the "boy" things people warn you about wrong. Over, and over again. He is talking alot. We have counted over 25 words that he says pretty clearly: Mama, no, nurse, milk (word and sign), more (word and sign), Papa, Ella, Dog, "Woof", "Roar", hat, light, cracker, cheese, that, yogurt, banana, shoes, Nana, Ewwww, Duck, bath, pee-pee, baby, bye-bye, book.
AND to celebrate his 15 month birthday he went pee-pee and poop on the potty Saturday and has continued at least once a day all week! Whew--what a relief. I thought we were doomed after our early self-potty trainer Ella. But yet again he is proving the boy stereotypes wrong! I love you Nicholas! Mama and Papa are so proud. And for the record Papa did not think I should post this picture, but you know I had to do it...

Labels: Nicholas potty training, Nicholas words
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