Big Sister
No, we didn't have the baby yet. But yesterday, Ella had her Big Sister class at the hospital. It was really good--they watched a silly movie all about "siblings", practiced holding newborn size babydoll's that were swaddled in the hospital blankies and wearing the hospital hats, took a tour of a LDR room and a post-partum room, and of course visited the nursery where we luckily saw one baby. Ella got a certificate and a coloring book about big brothers/sisters. In spite of her miserable state of sickness she enjoyed it as best she could.

Ella's sickness is actually on the mend, I think, which is great since she's been sick for over a week now. David and I (particularly me) have been SO careful to not get this from her (read: hands cracked and bleeding from so much antibacterial hand gel)--so let's keep our fingers crossed. More than anything I have ZERO patience left to care for a whiny, feverish (gone now), snotty (won't blow nose), ear infected, coughing, stubborn three year old!! Dear Lord, please bring health to our family quickly.
On another note, in honor of Easter weekend we have a 30 degree snow-filled day today in preparation for the Easter Bunny's visit to the park tomorrow for the egg hunt. We will be putting on our snow boots and going!
Monday night David and I are going on the adults only tour of the hospital and then out for coffee/dessert afterward. Yes--this means Ella will not be with us! Thank you Jyothi! Our pre-baby #2 date night. Hopefully we'll get it in and also my haircut on Wednesday evening before the baby comes. Enjoy the belly shots you've all been craving so much.....

Ella's sickness is actually on the mend, I think, which is great since she's been sick for over a week now. David and I (particularly me) have been SO careful to not get this from her (read: hands cracked and bleeding from so much antibacterial hand gel)--so let's keep our fingers crossed. More than anything I have ZERO patience left to care for a whiny, feverish (gone now), snotty (won't blow nose), ear infected, coughing, stubborn three year old!! Dear Lord, please bring health to our family quickly.
On another note, in honor of Easter weekend we have a 30 degree snow-filled day today in preparation for the Easter Bunny's visit to the park tomorrow for the egg hunt. We will be putting on our snow boots and going!
Monday night David and I are going on the adults only tour of the hospital and then out for coffee/dessert afterward. Yes--this means Ella will not be with us! Thank you Jyothi! Our pre-baby #2 date night. Hopefully we'll get it in and also my haircut on Wednesday evening before the baby comes. Enjoy the belly shots you've all been craving so much.....

It's all still a little serreal(I can't spell)that you are even pregnant and having another baby. I am glad Ella is doing better. I know Lexi was a lot younger then Ella is right now when Gracie was born, but the biggest surprise was her not knowing how to react to me hooked up to machines. You might want to prepare Ella for that as well. By the way--funny oxiclean story.
Nana's note,
Yes, it is very over whelming at times when it finally settles in that soon, very soon you will have another child to love and care for. But I know you will manage beautifully, daughter.
Also, how about handing off the camera once in awhile so that we can see "Mama" in some pictures to connect you to the family events and outings also.
I love you all and am very anxious and excited to be coming shortly to help in the small way that I can during this very special event in all of our lives.
love, Mom
Love the belly shots. I want a full picture of you still though! :) I can relate to the pregnancy brain. I swear you feel like you are losing your mind sometimes. You will be in prayers on adjusting with a new addition to the family. I am praying for myself also! Any day now. Can't wait to hear what you have!
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