Back to the grind
(birthday gift from Ella) in background.
Breakfast on the deck is a family favorite
So we've survived the first two weeks of school--hard to believe how quickly it goes. Ella is enjoying Pre-K again and has turned into quite the class clown and leader. According to her teacher she has been orchestrating puppet shows involving the whole class! Of course instructing everyone exactly what to do. She keeps telling me she plays "tricks" on the playground at recess. Still haven't quite figured this one out, so if anyone wants to enlighten me that would be great. Most of all she continues to be all about her birthday and is counting down to her party and then her actual birthday when she'll get to wear the birthday crown at school and bring treats in for her class.
Swimming started up again and we have had two sessions. Ella has the body to be a great olympic swimmer! She put the moves on at the end of a lap on Tuesday and wow did she go fast! I couldn't believe it. We also enrolled Nicholas in a parent-tot class this session so he has now been in the swimming pool twice. The first session he was a little hesitant for about 10 minutes but then warmed up to the idea and enjoyed the "jumping in". The second session he was so excited and loves it all. He "jumped" in, learned to blow bubbles, and can kick his feet like crazy. He now blows bubbles in the bathtub and asks every morning: "Jump? Go. Shoes." And I have to tell him not again until next week!
Next week Gymnastics and Ballet start and I will be sorry we are doing so much again. Ella will have Ballet and Gymnastics back to back Thursday's which means two hours of killing time with Nicholas (with a quick stop in to help her change and move down to the gym floor). Luckily it's right by the library and grocery store so we can make good use of the time. Then Friday morning's while Ella's in school I will take Nicholas to his parent-tot Gymnastics. I think he might even like it better than swimming. He's a climber. Will update on how it went next week.
In the midst of this all I'm trying to do the typical SAHM tasks and not remain too angry with the CTA. Though I have already reported on one belligerent bus-driver who was harassing myself with the stroller AND an old lady with a walker. Nicholas has big sister withdrawals while she is gone and also dislikes the commute on the bus. I've been trying to walk at least one or two of our four trips there or back. It's about 1.2 miles which isn't too bad except it's not the only walking I do on any given day and 4x can add up AND depending the direction I have to beat the clock and make sure we're on time. However, that said, my legs are much more reliable than the CTA anyday so while the weather is still nice I will walk as much as I can. Nicholas has also been thrown for a loop by our new schedule. Babies really do thrive on routine and he is so antsy in the morning when we get up that he won't eat breakfast and we have to put his shoes on right away so he knows he's going and will stop asking for them! He has also had a major set-back in potty training with the new schedule. I had already gotten spoiled with not changing pooped diapers so it's been an adjustment. Hopefully he'll bounce back soon... Update: between writing this post and now adding pictures and about to publish Nicholas has gone on the potty several times this weekend. Yay!
Birthday planning for David and Ella is at it's peak and our anniversary will sadly take a backseat as usual. That's what the triple-play will do for you. Though David's birthday usually gets lumped in with our anniversary in the shadow of Ella, since this is a SPECIAL one for him :-), I'm trying to avoid that.
Swimming started up again and we have had two sessions. Ella has the body to be a great olympic swimmer! She put the moves on at the end of a lap on Tuesday and wow did she go fast! I couldn't believe it. We also enrolled Nicholas in a parent-tot class this session so he has now been in the swimming pool twice. The first session he was a little hesitant for about 10 minutes but then warmed up to the idea and enjoyed the "jumping in". The second session he was so excited and loves it all. He "jumped" in, learned to blow bubbles, and can kick his feet like crazy. He now blows bubbles in the bathtub and asks every morning: "Jump? Go. Shoes." And I have to tell him not again until next week!
Next week Gymnastics and Ballet start and I will be sorry we are doing so much again. Ella will have Ballet and Gymnastics back to back Thursday's which means two hours of killing time with Nicholas (with a quick stop in to help her change and move down to the gym floor). Luckily it's right by the library and grocery store so we can make good use of the time. Then Friday morning's while Ella's in school I will take Nicholas to his parent-tot Gymnastics. I think he might even like it better than swimming. He's a climber. Will update on how it went next week.
In the midst of this all I'm trying to do the typical SAHM tasks and not remain too angry with the CTA. Though I have already reported on one belligerent bus-driver who was harassing myself with the stroller AND an old lady with a walker. Nicholas has big sister withdrawals while she is gone and also dislikes the commute on the bus. I've been trying to walk at least one or two of our four trips there or back. It's about 1.2 miles which isn't too bad except it's not the only walking I do on any given day and 4x can add up AND depending the direction I have to beat the clock and make sure we're on time. However, that said, my legs are much more reliable than the CTA anyday so while the weather is still nice I will walk as much as I can. Nicholas has also been thrown for a loop by our new schedule. Babies really do thrive on routine and he is so antsy in the morning when we get up that he won't eat breakfast and we have to put his shoes on right away so he knows he's going and will stop asking for them! He has also had a major set-back in potty training with the new schedule. I had already gotten spoiled with not changing pooped diapers so it's been an adjustment. Hopefully he'll bounce back soon... Update: between writing this post and now adding pictures and about to publish Nicholas has gone on the potty several times this weekend. Yay!
Birthday planning for David and Ella is at it's peak and our anniversary will sadly take a backseat as usual. That's what the triple-play will do for you. Though David's birthday usually gets lumped in with our anniversary in the shadow of Ella, since this is a SPECIAL one for him :-), I'm trying to avoid that.
We are having some wonderful late summer weather here in Chicago. Fall is coming.
Cute pictures! Nicholas loves corn on the cob...must take after his Uncle Jeff. Did you ever hear that story? I am glad that you all are doing well! I love reading the posts. Are you all still taking French too? It sound s like you all are very busy. I love school, but sometimes my eyes glaze over and for a moment I am sitting out in the sun, enjoying the lazy days of summer :)
Our back to school girl looks all ready and raring to go! The year will go quickly and before you know it summer will return!
I think corn on the cob was a favorite of all of my "girls" and now apparently our little man! I have a 3x5 card in my receipe box with a picture of Heather in kindergarden on the front inscribed with: Favorite food my mommy cooks- Fried Chichen and corn on the cob!
Must run,
Pa and Nana
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